

THIS IS A PRICE WE PAY FOR A POLITICAL PARTY THAT HAS DRIFTED OUTSIDE THE MAIN STREAM By this I mean the ultra Left Democratic Party cannot do the job an opposition party is supposed to do because none of us trust them, or their motives. The complete lack of planning for the Post War "occupation" becomes more obvious every day, but with no honest pressure from an opposition party we trust, more and more of our people get killed. There is no excuse possible for this other than a total breakdown in planning and what is called "contingency planning". A month and a half later there are still no military police, meaning we had no plan for using them at all. Combat troops are being served up on a platter. Hillary Clinton couldn't possibly do worse, in fact you can bet she would have done better. This couldn't happen if we had a real Democratic Party. This is what happens when either of our political parties is captured by their extreme Left or Right wings.

Dead guys. Ours. Nobody there to force a quick change. Thanks to Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, Charlie Rangel, and the rest of the jerks on the Left who have taken over the party. Yes I'm pissed. Aren't you? The Democrats oppose terrorism only because Hammas and their ilk have interrupted the focus on more welfare spending. Period.

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