

Blame it on upper class educated suits, all of whom have no concern for the grunts
Two weeks ago I posted this. Today the Washington Post is running a major article focusing on a few GI's and their Iraqui counterparts. This is going to get much worse. I predict that by this time next year Bush will be toast.

The real problem is that all the civilians in government are basically draft dodgers from the Viet Nam era or people who grew up later and had no military experience either. Nobody who had served in the Post WWII occupation armies would have made the mistakes being made right now. These people are Ivy League managers who treat their employees like shit, pay them as little as possible, work them as long as possible, rake off what they can, and then leave the corporation for the next corporation or cushy retirement. That is who they are. From Bush, Cheney, Rice (Stanford), all the women, Rumsfeld (Princeton), there is not a GI in the car load.

Even after WWII the U.S. Army in Germany had deteriorated into bad actors by 1947. There is nothing to do but get drunk, screw, play poker, and playact your way through your job, day after day, after day, after day. Their wives are on mars, their kids with them, and the rest of their families are out of touch. They have been sentenced to Hell for doing a good job.

The problem is I cannot see one political person in either party who has any experience or the imagination to deal with this thing.

Imagine yourselves in Iraq right now.

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