
Movies, as a business and as entertainment-- The $38 movie including date and parking is a reality. If you are married with children you are looking at $50 with a sitter. If you take three kids to see a kids movie it will be $50 including pop corn. This business is about to crash. I have seen the very last phony computerized endless fight scene, fake chase, and distorted graphic I ever want to see. I just saw "Open Range" which is an endlessly boring western with absolutely no suspense, plot twist, or fresh characters. In fact the only movies making money this year were the early release of Matrix Reloaded, and two kids movies. "Art Films" (the word "film" always tells you it will be boring) that are all Left Wing bullshit and predictable, "hot sex" lesbian, homosexual, or heterosexual naked fuck fests with nothing that cannot be better enjoyed at home viewing a porno, or so-called "documentary dramas" that are just set ups for a political lecture, are all that is being made. It could be that the form (movies) is exhausted, meaning there are no more stories to tell or ways to tell them. What is also glaringly obvious is that there are no more "Left or Liberal" stories to tell or ways to tell them. The only excitement on the horizon is Mel Gibson's "Passion" which I'm only going to see because all the usual suspects are telling me not to. Had there been no howl I doubt that anything about Jesus would have caused me to buy a ticket. The fiction novel is out of gas and non-fiction dominates my reading these days as well as the reading of everyone I know, probably because our knowledge of American History has been compromised by our teaching establishment and our knowledge of current affairs is similarly compromised by the media.

Anyway, look for the conglomerates who own movie companies to start unloading them.

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