
Hate Never Dies----- As we are bombarded with the insults and ruthless attacks on Bush and our country for DARING to oust one of the cruelest dictators who ever walked, I had some thoughts. I'm an older fart than most and I cannot remember national political discourse this foul in my lifetime, one that includes Joe McCarthy. I leave out the locals who yelled racist crap in the South to other racists with no wide circulation beyond the tree stump from which they orated; people I happened to hear in stunned disbelief when I toured the South in the late 50s with my Jewish dad.

I think what we have today is the old racist and anti-Catholic/anti-Semitic "locals" that nobody "important" used to hear getting a world wide audience. Now these hate filled quasi-educated soldiers of the Left get to shoot off their mouths from a tree stump that spans the globe. The Mayor of London is a small time pol. Jessie Jackson ditto; the mopes at Move On.Org are the local racist Jew baiting cheering audiences who used to applaud, and vote, for the small time race hustlers. Now those audiences get to speak. All get their hate filled fifteen minutes, but on an international stage. The problem is that the combined fifteens of the Left drown out the rest of us. We might do well to remember our past and reflect about some of the vicious and corrupt bastards we elected when nobody but us heard what they stood for.

We live in an age where pornographers are glorified as artists, empty suits are self praised as intellects, and murderers are elevated to political prisoner status by our Media. A Media that includes the Web, the Blogs, and the various "writers" appearing within.

Then we have these fucking elections. Elections. Without THEM the rest of us would have no voice at all.

But we do have them.

At least for now.

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