

To paraphrase Hayek: The guys who can do the best job of using real power are the most brutal among us. The dopes who are the most humanitarian are rotting away in monasteries, homeless shelters, mental hospitals, and the State Department. We are asking the hot house flowers who belong in the aforementioned institutions as either inmates or caretakers to use actual power to subdue Terrorists, Baathists, and criminals in Iraq as well as build "infrastructure".

What would Mother Teresa do? What would "It Takes a Village" do? Why they'd take up contributions from around the world using TV commercials featuring starving little Muslims (The Left Comics do a telethon and raise millions: Q. What is red and orange and looks great on a Jew? A. Fire.....ha ha ho ho and the millions roll in), endangered species in the swamps (100,000 march to save Marsh Arabs and their fishies), and zoo animals being ignored (million person march to save helpless animals). They'd collect the money and throw it at hospitals, schools, roads, and sensitivity training to Terrorists.

What would Al Capone do? What would Snoop Dog do?

"Listen you towel headed cock sucker. You Allah loving piece of shit. You do what I tell you to do or you sleep in camel shit and your ugly wife sucks my dick. Get it?"

Businesses under the Snoop Dog government would suddenly start all by themselves. Capital? Doesn't anyone with a Ph.D. from "Haavahd" know that labor is capital too? Cocaine is capital? That capital is whatever can be exchanged for goods and services. "Come up with the $20 you owe me or I break your fingers," works. Waiting til he gets his welfare check will result in waiting til he gets his next one, and his next one, and the one after that, until you get tough. Roads? Well if you have to get your goods from Baghdad to South Bum Fuck you will cause roads to be built. If Snoop is getting a piece Snoop will get the roads built faster than a track star on steroids. Another way of saying that throwing money has got to stop. Snoop has got to be paid enough by our government so he builds roads without bribes; a cost to the taxpayer of not more than $200,000 (as opposed to $87 billion).

OK. What we have now is that Mother Teresa has built schools and hospitals. It's time for Snoop to take over. What people don't want to think about, mainly because the Media is doing the talking, is that the Marshall Plan, which threw a ton of money into Europe, did next to nothing for Europe in 1947. It simply put a floor under most economies allowing them to build quickly; in other words it prevented starvation for a year or two. The French built France, the Germans built Germany, and so on. Only if left alone will Iraq build Iraq. Our only job is to get tough with the bad guys so it can be allowed to happen, without government interference.

The way Hayek saw the Humanitarian "nation building" is summarized HERE, and to sum up his "Road to Serfdom" here are the Twelve Steps to the end. See if it sounds familiar:

1. Planners (the ones who should be in institutions) promise utopia. Their plan works good in rural areas. Some workers are happy too. Everybody votes to elect the planners.
2. The "planners" can't get together on the new Utopia. Each has his own "plan" and won't budge.
3. Under presssure they come up with a plan. The citizens don't like the plan. What is good for rural people isn't good for city people.
4. The "planners" who can't bring themselves to force anything on anybody, start "hoping" for the best.
5. The planners now try to "sell" their plan. They use media. They now are close to controlling media. The first step to a dictator.
6. The Gullible Find Agreement. But the rest are pissed and form protest meetings. The least educated---thrilled and convinced by wild oratory, form a party.
7. Confidence in Planners fades. The more that Planners improvise the more disturbance to normal business. Everybody suffers. People now feel (rightly) that planners can't get things done.
8. A strong man is given power "temporarily". He will hammer out a plan and enforce it. They all believe they will take it back when they want to.
9. The party takes over the country. By now, confusion is so great that obedience to the new leader must be obtained at all costs. You may even join in order "to help the country".
10. A NEGATIVE aim welds party unity. The early step of all dictators is to enflame the populace against some entity. The Nazis were against the Jews. The Soviet against all business and capital (anybody they labeled).
11. Nobody opposes the leader because to do so would be suicide. The "Plan" now works.
So here's the "Plan".
A. Your profession is now planned
B. Your wages are planned
C. Your thinking is planned. The Planners can't have people revolting against the Plan, so while they mean well you can't think. Posters, TV, newspapers all tell you exactly the same thing.
D. Recreation is planned. National teams, the sports played, who plays them etc., are now part of The Plan
E. And of course discipline is planned. You can be shot for things that aren't a part of The Plan.
That, in Mr. Hayek's view, is the result of the "Humanitarian" planners running things. Sound familiar? Putin? Sadddam? Idi Amin? All sounds good when it starts.

Snoop and Capone would do it different. So would Patton.

A very late add: According to the Financial Times, the EU "planners" have covered up a report on EU anti-Semitism that made them look bad. Controlling the media is a step toward the Serf State of Hayek. Link courtesy of Roger l.

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