

George Soros (AKA Schwartz) and his $15 million donation to the the Democrats could be a preemptive strike to avoid prosecution. $15 million could just be starters. This is the guy who almost single handedly destroyed the currencies as well as the markets of most of S.E. Asia in the late 90's. After virtually destroying Thailand he sacked Indonesia and Malaysia. Then turned his pillagers eye toward Hong Kong and China which he felt was right for picking. But it was at Hong Kong and China where his rapacious sweep was stopped cold; the Chinese stood up, backed their own currency and propped up their markets with the nation's treasury. Soros was stopped and he knew that China was his last game; he knew everybody would stand up and fight from then on. Now he is repenting. Or is he? I think it is possible that countries he sacked are considering actions against him here in the U.S. courts. He is going to wave the Jewish victim flag, the honest businessman flag as if plundering the weak is honest business, and he will yell and scream that any action taken against him is a plot by the Administration to get at the Democratic Party. George Soros is an economic thug. To quote a New Yorker article<

(excerpted by Connie Bruck)....this particular philanthropist's career consists in getting rich by taking money away from others in a vast, international poker game, in which no goods or services trade hands, and in which the only goal is to pauperize all opponents....
He made his money by destroying countries, not by building anything. Many people view his so-called philanthopy this way (Bruck again)
that George Soros disburses his funds primarily to buy a controlling interest in the government of the nation that he purports to help, even while scattering beads and mirrors to the natives in the streets. Their turn to top up George Soros's coffers will not be long in arriving.
Everybody better watch it. He has a long history of contributing to governments and then controlling them. There is no reason to doubt that he is doing the same thing here. $15 billion is a small price to pay for owning the U.S. It is doubtful that this website will be left standing for long so go there.
He [Soros] is portrayed as someone ... who can be offended if a leader of a country where he is involved philanthropically is insufficiently subservient; who will consort with an autocratic regime in order to see his programs carried out; and who is intent on imposing his influence generally on an ever-expanding area of the world.
We will see how this plays out. Soros is a powerful guy. Do a Google search on him and all you see is that he's a philanthopist. Total bullshit, but check it out. Tke a trip HERE for a partial rundown of his destructiveness. Late add I've made corrections to some poor writing courtesy of several emailers and comments on Bill Quick's site.

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