

Running Pictures of Dead Soldiers Designed to build Anti-War Sentiment

Do they run pictures of the people Mugabe is starving? The Israeli victims of suicide bombers? The Iraqi victims of Saddam who have had their tongues ripped out or raped? Why ask? Communist News Network editors know exactly what they are doing with every picture or story they run. They are the Left and they will use "any means necessary" to turn the country against the war. Contrast with MSNBC's Wall of Honor.

BTW: FOX should bag that ridiculous Fox and Friends for the duration. What a stupid format for war news. MSNBC is doing the best job overall, but FOX still gets most news first. That horrid Ashleigh Banfield on MSNBC, Jesus what fucking bus did she arrive under? But will NBC ever recover from Peter Arnett?? I don't think so. They are oing to have to undo that interview, but I have no idea how. A terrible decision to run it and now FOX is running it for the purpose of "hanging" Arnett to MSNBC. The guy is a traitor and the fact that he was working for National Geographic TV, an invornutzie show with every Lefty on the planet employed there, was certainly a yellow flag.

FOX did an interesting mosaic of the reports of many of the embedded reporters. The overall picture is one of an advancing force suffering few casualties having some problems that are easy to solve. Hope they keep it up because the use of embedded reporters without the mosaic once in a while can be misleading. The Brits on the other hand are really doing a hell of a job with the toughest assignments. We should call them the Cajones Brigades. House to house is not the way I dream of earning medals, unless the houses are in Beverly Hills or Palm Beach.

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