
It is now a Hard Left Anti-War pacifist Party.

Why mess around with clever lingo? You have to live on the West Coast to experience the hate toward President Bush that fulminates from all portions of the Left here. Tenants in my building were cheering the downing of a U.S. helicopter where seven soldiers died. Hate America is actually in practice. San Francesspool Bay Area is a Hate America cauldron. The Democratic Party is their home. It won't change.

The old liberals can't become Republicans because they still believe the "old" liberalism is still the heart of the party, even though the evidence (remember evidence???) clearly shows that campus anti-Semitism, fascism, suppression of all dissent, and a press that tells outright lies is now the Democratic Party face. Black anti-white and anti-Semitic racism is part and parcel of the DEMOCRATIC representatives only "Congressional Black Caucus" and the NAACP. These are facts.

The Liberal Party is now the Republican Party. I know you can't stand it but it's true. Everything the Republicans of the 50's opposed is now opposed by the Democrats. Almost all of the agenda of the old line liberals is now the agenda of the Republicans. Sure there are some weird exceptions in both parties to this trend but this is the fact.

The Democratic Party is the home of the tired Viet Nam hate the military protestors, the isolationist anti-Globalization crowd, 95% of all blacks, 90% of all Jews, and all the rest. The only plank left from the 50's is the UN and big spending for what has become entitlement programs, only the spending they advocate today is spending without any responsibility or accountability. The party is a prisoner of the Public Employee Labor Unions, the Lawyers, the Welfare freeloaders, and the huge entertainment interests which include the desire to invade every home in the U.S. to spy on what we download from the Internet just to name one odious Hollywood goal; the other being to hold on to their French and German box office and CD receipts even at the expense of American lives.

The CD is heading socialist. Their huge Government Workers/Entitlement Recipients constituency cannot exist without unending tax increases to pay their salaries and benefits. Anti-war because the military gets the money they demand. All Democrat.

That's the truth. If you can handle it.

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