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GOP DEVELOPING CAJONES FROM WHITE HOUSE ON DOWN----Senate Majority leader Bill Frist is going to the mattresses with the Dems-------finally. Maybe he caught on about using power from SeƱior Cajones in the White House. I think that allowing the Democrats to continue to block judges is dangerous for our country. If this method of blocking judges is allowed to continue nobody will ever be confirmed again. Republicans would surely do the same thing. Winning control of Congress should mean something. Now it will. I've observed may times in the past that the Constitution is very tough to live by, but that's the deal we have. And...the Democrats picked very badly in blocking Estrada and Owens, two judges that would pass any muster on either rational side. Let the Democrats continue to expose the trip to the aircraft carrier, an issue that will clearly win them the White House and Congress in 2004.
Addendum/Retraction the proposal is total crap. Cannot possibly pass and is actually a sign of the gutlessness of the Republican Party and Bill Frist. It will take 67 votes to pass. Cannot understand the White House endorsing it. I guess I join the NYT for accuracy.


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