
Not a peep out of The Writers Guild when William Morris Agency shuts down a Website for writing

It's not just "the money, stupid", and those that think so make a huge mistake about life. People are willing to enslave themselves for many different things. Power, celebrity, the mere trappings of success are lures for more than a few. Writers who earn their daily bread solely because of our Freedoms would generally be expected to be in the forefront of any assault on Freedom of Speech anywhere in this country, but not the "artists" who call themselves writers in Hollywood. The Hollywood "Artiste" variety lie and cower by their cell phones waiting to be told what to stand up for by their employers and their peers. The William Morris Agency, the agent for more than just a few, plays the KGB in the latest Hollywood raid on Freedom; always remember that the agents are in the employ of the "artists" they represent. Clients will go to another agency if the agent doesn't do what the "artists" tell them to do. It was the William Morris Agency, acting on behalf of their clients, clients who resented the remarks made on www.boycott-hollywood.com, that moved the Morris thought police into action. In response to their Hollywood Slutlist of Heavyweight Celebrities, William Morris shut down the offending website to the accompanying total silence of the Writers. Gutless and spineless to their cores, they slither along the gutters of Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, forked reptilian tongues flicking from decaying gums, sniffing slavishly for the next Left Wing Cause their cocktail party pals will support; Fidel Castro?, Robert Mugabe?; the "poor"?, anything other than the Constitution of the United States.

These Hollywood Writers sell out for money and approval of their peers. Period. They fear standing up to anyone who might damage their future employment or who might cast them out of the Temple. Sucking up in Hollywood has made pansies out of an entire Union of Writers. They are like the Russian writers in the employ of the late Joseph Stalin, saying the "right things" in order to remain "in the loop". They are exactly like the "artists" who stayed in the good graces of Hitler when they had the chance to leave. Make no mistake about it.

They are quite honestly beneath contempt. And they have lots of company.

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