

In 1947 it was Coca Cola and French wine, today it is their so-called economy we are trying to destroy
Nothing has changed in France since 1947 when they viewed the Marshall Plan as an attempt by Wall Street to control their economy, an economy that lay in ruins; it didn't exist. Back in 1947 they hatefully accepted the Marshall Plan and passed laws preventing French business from doing business with American business. They also wanted to create a Third Force against us, a country that laid down for Germany and didn't lift a finger to defend itself wanted a Third Force; talk about the first Star Wars.

Today they once again charge that we have declared war on European economies and have called on Europe to resist.

Alliot-Marie state that "American industrialists are pursuing a logic of economic war," she was quoted as saying in an interview with Le Monde, which the paper said had been read and cleared by her office before publication.
"This attitude is not connected to the Iraq episode. Faced with this, European industry must regroup in order to be in a better position to resist," she added.
Alliot-Marie said she was worried by what she sees as moves by U.S. investors to attempt to take control of firms involved in European defence and had ordered a study into the issue.

The paranoia continues with a pipsqueak economic power going through strikes and endless recession. That's what countries do when they can't solve problems at home.

And those problems are getting bigger as other Euro countries rebel over pension reform. Once upon a time a guy named Malthus had a theory, now called the Malthusian Nightmare, that the young would rebel against an aging population. No longer a nightmare. It's real. The aging population is demanding the young cough up the dough for their early retirement, which is as young as 57 in some European countries. The alternative, that the old pay for their own retirement, ain't flying in the welfare state in which the ONLY source of retirement income is the government. There are no private pension plans; all French hate the stock market: work, and everything that interferes with laying around. The French strike is now about to spread all over Europe. Good link HERE to a NY Times story on what happened to the European "Work Ethic"