

When every pub in the U.S. has the same story you know the usual left is behind the stories. This time it's a hard Left group called EWG (Environmental Working Group). These scumbags run a web site that doesn't even list who is on the board. So it's up to real watchdogs like Undue Influence to smoke them out. Undue Influence has petitioned the IRS to revoke tax exempt status. Check out the highly paid jerks on another Left Public Interest (think Muslim Charities) group. They seem to advocate organic farming and are out to hurt in any way possible American farmers who don't comply with their agenda. Read the whole thing but this is an example of a well funded Left Wing group out to change our economic system, not save lives. The project appears to be aimed at creating a Farm Bill that will eliminate America's industrial food production and replace it with subsidized "organic food" production. They also profit. What they are doing is clearly influencing markets in a way that Enron, World Com, and all the rest did.

There is no separation between Joyce Foundation executives handling charitable and investment duties: four Joyce staffers spend part time investing the foundation's money and part time deciding who gets the profits from those investments. Joyce Foundation has the capability to target its donations to help their investments - and harm companies they disapprove of.
Other foundations donating to Environmental Working Group have similar situations.
Naturally their latest hit piece is being circulated by all Left Media. Oh, BTW the foundations also own big holdings in vitamin companies, Canadian Wheat Companies and other money making schemes that will benifit from harming American farmers. Read it and then buy salmon.

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