

It will be the Left, not the Right who will oppose Fuel Cells tooth and nail

Another breakthrough today reducing the amounts of gold and platinum required by more than 90%. STORY brings an economical technology ever closer.

At first glance you'd think the oil companies would be the ones opposed. Not so. They are constructed so that oil is just a part of what they do. Fuel cells will not produce fabrics, plastics, or other things derived from oil. Exxon-Mobil to name just one oil company has 100 different other companies from retail to credit having nothing to do with oil. Their financial muscle will enable them to spread further so that by the time fuel cells become a reality they will be OK, and may even lead in fuel cell development.

Fuel cells will become affordable gradually around the world.

It's the governments that are shitting, they and the Left Wing freeloaders who live on tax dollars. Think of the tax losses. No more gas tax. No more tax on refineries. No more shipping taxes and so on. In other words the entire operation of all governments in the world are threatened by the fuel cell. Already some of the usual suspects are claiming the fuel cell will damage the ozone, step one in fighting it. Stories HERE as well as another one HERE

How to tax the fuel cell? This will be the major question facing government. And you better be prepared to be a part of it because gasoline taxes build the roads and bridges and there will have to be a substitute for these taxes.

The world by 2020 will bear almost no resemblance to the world of 2000.

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