

This from an intel officer at a prioner of war camp:

The one bad general I have been working for the last month and a half, lets just call him dark eyes, is now ready to be yanked around like a puppet on a string. He is so hammered from this prisoner experience that he is ready to do just about anything. We have him eating out of our hand now. It has been a long road but he has totally come around, now finally ready to cooperate with us.

He actually has great value to us because of his high position in the Ba’ath party, meeting with Saddam Hussein and his sons on numerous occasions. If we are able to work with him as our partner, he might become our eyes and ears on the street at a very high level. It is amazing what you can do with the right amount of psychological pressure, the right strategy and the right conditions. Never at any time have I used force, torture or pain to accomplish my goal.
From HERE. Read the whole thing, he posts on a regular basis. He has other posts too. A very articulate guy.

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