

Another killer letter from the front, this time from prisoner interrogation unit in Iraq. These guys are sucking it up. Read the descriptions of how they have to live.

Where is the Red Cross, ensuring that we can see our wives and husbands at all, much less weekly? Thousands of soldiers have spent the war and period thereafter without any means to contact their loved ones, relying solely on a mail system which may or may not deliver letters within two months of their mailing date....
It's interesting to note that today's soldiers hold the Red Cross in the same contempt that we did way back when.
At least the Army gets the mail to its soldiers eventually, whereas the Red Cross more often than not fails to transmit the correspondence between prisoners and their families at all. Until I and those with me can see our wives and husbands again, we'll keep fighting to protect the ability of the prisoners here to see their own.
The indictments of the press riddle the letter, part of which is....
I am deeply concerned, dismayed, and often angered by the personal, skewed agendas which taint so many of the articles written about this war.
Then there is this...
The only words for the journalist's work are willful deception, misrepresentation of information, and deliberate intellectual sabotage.
Go here because this is good stuff. I am continually impressed with the intellectual vigor of our soldiers, soldiers who are being trashed by our media. This guy, going under the name of Orpheus, is really sharp. Hope you read it.

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