
Economy and Markets

French food crises, high gasoline prices, war in Iraq are inflation worry for first time

Link to commentary below because gasoline prices are a super worry. The ousting of the new Freddie Mac head was also not expected this week and probably caused a slight belch.

The markets look very good but will now be on hold for a while. My post for this week is up HERE and aside from the aforementioned gasoline prices holds.

The French heat wave is a bonanza for commodity prices, all companies engaged in food export, and the companies that make GE grains will now be in business. There is no way France will not buy GE wheat. Their farm animals have died, crops ruined, and the entire EU will need food. It's hard to believe that the same heat that we in this country get every year can wipe out crops, but we use genetically engineered food designed to withstand heat, lack of water, and freezing temperatures (winter wheat). Downside this is inflationary so gold at these high prices looks good and watch rates. Overall, gasoline prices, food crises in Europe, and the war in Iraq ARE inflationary. So watch yourself and don't get careless.

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