
Governor Gangenbangen?

Is this leak from Arnold's friends or his enemies? The Smoking Gun piece broken by Drudge might get him a hell of a lot more votes than it costs him. Certainly helps him with the gay crowd, probably with the young hetero sex starved men, and maybe lots of men in general. Hurts him with the religious Right and a lot of women. The only thing I wonder about is the term "gang bang" , which implies a non-consensual rape. Obviously in Arnold's case they were all consensual. Doesn't help him with lots of women though. We'll just have to see. Lots of people now call him Schwarzenbanger, von Orgy, and one guy on TV called him "Gangenbangen". As he simultaneously sets out his positions he looks more and more like a New York Times centerist, with no opinion that might disturb anybody on anything except the budget.

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