

Everybody who chooses to produce essays on a web page runs the risk of becoming a "One Trick Pony"; a one agenda obsessional unending pontificator who becomes a crashing bore to everyone other than those who share the obsession. Andrew Sullivan is one such case and today is sadly typical of most of his days now. It is now just a "homosexuals are normal". He will have everyone feel homosexuals are poor and rightous victims of society, the Church, and the Right Wing of the Republican Party. The Homosexual agenda has a ton of sites, supporters, and apologists in every media. Even TV crap stories about them in a "favorable" light.

The fact that so many homosexuals are wealthy, successful, and have power in media gives them a major leg up on real victim groups that have no money, no power, no influence, and no chance to gain a voice except on web pages. The reality is that these groups have no web page presence either. So guess what? "Spokespeople" run sites that pretend to speak for them.. So other than list after list of disgustingly PC sites "recommended" by the usual crowd, there are no American Indian web sites that could tell everyone what things are like on various "reservations" (Google search: Native American web pages and American Indian web pages and sites). Asian Americans, a portion of the population being raped by Blacks and Hispanics, have no sites either, other than those totally safe and academic sites recommended by the "Diversity Crowd". Break it down in any way you choose: Vietnamese, Haitian (American), Pakistani, Indian, etc., and you find nothing. But Blacks, Hispanics, and Homosexuals are all over the web. As are Muslims, another very rich "victim" group.

I conclude from this that the groups of people who face real obstacles in life have no Internet presence and we the people have no knowledge of their challenges as stated by them.

So the cause du jour is now to recognize that men who insert their penises into the rectums of other men and then ejaculate are "just like you and me".. Men who thrust their members into the mouths of other men are normal. Men who dress up like women are normal, men who engage in the normal everyday practice of "fist fucking" with other men are to be respected by society, as are the "chicken hawks", slaves and masters, and a ton of other disgusting practices. We are being told we should sanctify these deviant couriers of lust through marriage, as if these disgusting people are normal and entitled to elevation to a pedestal of respect.

Sorry "guys" but you are in a personal and sexual sewer and my vote is to keep you there. I'm with the Pope on this one (I almost never agree with the Pope), with the President, the Christian Right, and everyone else opposed to this current homosexual propaganda campaign.

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