
From Bill Krystol regardidng the Plame/Wilson Affair

the civil war in the Bush administration has become crippling. The CIA is in open revolt against the White House. The State Department and the Defense Department aren't working together at all.
Bill's article pretty well lays out the situation and what Bush has to do right now to right it. My betting is that he won't. He hasn't in the past.
The leak controversy has revealed an administration at war with itself, a war intensified by the difficult aftermath of the war in Iraq.
Read the whole thing, Krystol is good. Then take a look at Friday's Journal Editorial, if you haven't read it.
....part of the intelligence community pursues its cause largely through media leaks and what can only be called insubordination"Intelligence sources" are routinely quoted questioning Administration claims and complaining of "political interference." In yesterday's New York Times, those "sources" admitted to reporter James Risen (their go-to guy) that Joseph Wilson had been chosen for the Niger mission precisely because the CIA did not take Vice President Dick Cheney's interest in pursuing the yellowcake story seriously..
They lay the case out pretty well. None of us can ignore the really good pieces being written by people who generally tell the truth in these things. Bottom Line: Bush.

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