
If Daniel Pipes is not a weekly look for you, be sure you go there. Wahabi influences in this country are getting bolder and bolder, using the Left and "free speech" as a lever. Iraq is not the focal point for most Muslims; the U.S. is the focus and they are getting bolder and bolder. The Main Media blacks out everything Pipes says and does. This makes it a necessity for all of us to stay hip. This guy is the hippest. Particularly interesting to me is the re-registering of Arab-Americans(?) to the Democratic Party while at the same time Jews are re-registering Republican. If Jews in significant numbers move to the Republican Party this will have a huge change in the Republican Party. Face it, Jews bring an intellectual rigor to debate that is lacking in much of the GOP; they are highly active, educated, and passionately committed to principal. This could be very good news for this country. I have been saying for more than a year that the Liberal Party in this country is now the Republican Party, only nobody in the Party knows it. The Democratic Party is increasingly racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-business/pro Welfare State. Sort of a New French Party. While I stand by my post below, things do change.

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