
The Left comes out of the closet and will stage GET OUT OF IRAQ demonstrations in (where else?) San Francesspool and D.C.. They would have us abandon them to torture etc. and have America retreat into a Welfare State of government "care". That has always been their agenda and NoCal is the perfect launching pad. The always balanced Nation trumpets:

Iraq lies in ruin (that must mean the Welfare Offices are closed down), the US military occupation is generating a sustained guerrilla resistance (they mean the Baghdad zoo animals want more food), crime is rampant in Baghdad (U.S. soldiers arrested innocent terrorists) and an Iraqi civil war along ethnic and religious lines is a real possibility (like Berkeley anti-semites against the Jews). Against this background, the American peace movement--a diverse collection of dissenters that includes pragmatic conservatives (like David Duke, John Gotti, and the Nazi Party), concerned moderates (Louis Farrakahn, Seyed Mohammad Khatami, Momar Kadafi) , frustrated military families (Rommel's grandson, two former Gulag Guards, and Chairman Mao's third mistress) Arab-Americans (the Blind Sheik from Jersey, CAIR, and ANSWER), anarchists, peaceniks and more--is attempting to come up with demands and strategies that are both radical and realistic, that both challenge the Bush Administration and unite the opposition (a NAMBLA float at the new Pope's Vatican Parade and a Federal Holiday honoring the inventor of the Welfare Check), which plans to descend on Washington for a mass demonstration on October 25.
Get ready for the Washington Post, New York and LA Times and the other usual suspects to "cover" this one.

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