
More on the Mempham High sexual "hazing" of football players story, link courtesy of Bad jocks.com. This story reveals a student body, and by inference parents, that are morally equivalent (actually bankrupt) to a fault. Here are some of the excerpts from a story. Keep in mind the lead perp is a huge lineman with a rep of bullying:

1. "the victims were laughed at in the halls, called “faggot” and “broomstick boy.”
2. "Nor did he (principal) suspend the three alleged perpetrators, and as a result, they were allowed to walk the hallways of Mepham High for nearly two weeks "(terrorizing the victims further).. ...
3. “The kid that did it, I feel so bad for him,” the boy says. “I don?’t even care what they did.”
"What about the boys who were raped? I ask.
“Two of the kids are underclassmen, little kids,” he says. "He really couldn't do anything about it. But one kid who got it in the shitter, he’s just like a fag.”
“Yeah,?” he says. “I heard the kid liked it.”
4. "In July, when Reichstein’s son, an incoming freshman, showed up for football practice, a junior on the team—the lineman—started calling him and some of the other boys “pussy,” “faggot,” and “cocksucker.” Reichstein went to McElroy. He says the coach said, “Okay, I’ll handle it.” From that moment on, the junior stopped calling Reichstein’s son “faggot” and started calling him “tattletale boy.”
Long story but read the whole thing. Might say something about where you live.

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