
"Follow the Frogs" There is an allegory to use when you look at the Democratic Left formula to end capitalism and impose "equality" (egalitarianism; taxation of the rich; property seizures, etc.). So far their plan hasn't worked. "The Frog" analogy was taught in some vicious Right Wing class I took one time (the professor has probably been shipped to an academic gulag like Cal State Weed where he can teach home economics to unwed mothers) . The frog allegory works this way. If you dump a frog into boiling water (equality) the frog will jump out. However if you pretend to be nice and put the froggie into cold water and then turn the heat on under the pan, the frog will fall asleep before he knows he's cooked. Too many of us have seen the burner under the pan and so those of us who are uncooked know the game. We ain't voting to sit in the cool water like we're told.

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