

Additions made since original posting due to emails I have received. Many thanks. I rarely think or say things like this but I have come to the conclusion that Howard Dean is actually a menace to this country. Not because of his lies, although they are becoming legion, but because he is becoming a modern day Huey Long. "A chicken in every pot" is now "tax everyone to equality and share the wealth". His pitch is to the angriest element of our society, as was Long's. The unemployed and homeless of the 30's blamed the banks. It was the banks that stole their homes. It was the banks that stole their savings leaving them penniless, there were no insured bank accounts before 1933 so when banks failed they failed with people's money. Long exploited this hatred. He was brilliant. Passed the bar with no education, educated himself, was governor and senator at the same time. His reign was amazing. The Left today is as incendiary with hatred as were the unemployed and farmless in the 30's and they will follow anybody who will promise to walk away from Iraq and leave the country hanging. The Left wants that money for more and more entitlements. They will follow the loudest guy promising to get rid of George Bush and every policy passed during his administration (good or bad). They want to surrender our sovereignty and turn all policy over to the "multilateralism" of the U.N.; he will destroy the CIA and the military thus preventing us from defending ourselves. Time to stand up and fight because this guy is a menace. And he isn't lying. There are threads on various blogs indicating that Dean is stupid, majored in Marxism, and has nothing. Fact: he is an MD, finished near or at the top of his class, is a graduate of Albert Einstein University as well as Yale and is typical of "the smartest guy in the room" a guy so smart he thinks he can always land on his feet no matter what. If we haven't learned from the "Bush is a Moron" campaign we are all toast. None of these guys are anything short of 1500 SATs. Dean was Governor and Lt. Gov of Vermont, Minority Leader during 1985-1986 and was in the Vermont House of Representatives from 1983-1986. He knows how to game the system. He's served on a ton of Governors and national issue committees including health. Bush is smart as hell. Dean is smart as hell. Get ready for a fight.

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