

Pay no attention to the bullshit experts pissing about the Euro vs the U.S. dollar. Watch the spread between the Swiss Franc and the dollar. The EC has only been trading for seven years and the Swiss has been around like forever. The dollar is nowhere near a low against the Swiss, a currency that mirrors the EC. The "weakness" they are all talking about is a bunch of Left Wing jerkoffs with degrees in communication, English, and other crap trying to bash this country. All currencies trend for years, and there are times when it looks like a turning point in these trends that fake us out. The current trend began in 2000 (Clinton was prez) and became obvious in 2001. I'd say June would be the normal period of time before the trend changes. I can't reproduce charts on this site but go HERE and you will see the Swiss vs Dollar relationship; HERE for a long term chart. Remember when viewing that the dollar is always quoted against a "basket" of currencies. Take a look at just the Swiss and you will see. The dollar is NOT near all time lows.

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