
Some Hillary bashing not covered. Her obnoxious behavior while at Thanksgiving Dinner with the GIs is getting no coverage except HERE and HERE. As a former grunt I can tell you that the description rings true. Eating with officers, posing for pictures, and taking a hike. Letter from a GI incudes

Bagram GI: Troops Waited While Hillary Chowed Down

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton forced U.S. troops stationed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to wait for their Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday while she and her entourage arrived late, then cut in line and were served first. Quoting the email from a GI:

"Thanksgiving Dinner started at 3 p.m. that day, so the line was forming around 2:30 p.m. She didn't show up until around 3:30 p.m. "Once she got there, Clinton and her entourage bumped everyone in line, forcing them to wait almost an extra hour."

People magazine was on hand to cover the event (and didn't) and wanted to interview the troops for reaction to Clinton's visit. "But they were getting declined left and right, people were actually telling the reporters, 'You don't want to print what I think about her and her visit.
A comment about her moronic claim that Bush has as purpose the destroying of the New Deal. This means we are supposed to believe that insuring all the bank deposits will go, as will all securities laws, Social Security, Labor laws guaranteeing collective bargaining, the return of Prohibition (actually the ban on pot IS prohibition), no FDA, no Deparment of Ag, and so on. I have a good idea on why Big Media lets it slide, but it can't slide if you think about it.

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