

Late re-write of last nights post I loved Dean's impersonation of Fidel Castro on late nite TV. What a guy. Keeps his sense of humor even when he loses. Link via Allah.

Dean takes it in his rear end and I can't help but think that this is a repudiation of the hard Left, MoveOn.org and the countless horrid Democratic websites, blogs, and fringe articles. Iowa represents next to nothing but it is a shakedown cruise for an election campaign, and the Dean campaign was internet based. My personal opinion about those of us who dwell too much on the web is that we are a bunch of flakes. The very fact that we sit and write instead of getting off of our butts and going to work says volumes about us. Dean had the support of web flakes.

Jerry Brown, who tells more truth than any politician out there, said a long time ago that too dam many of us just throw money at a cause and stick our heads back into the sand. We turn our lives over to "professionals" and remain removed from life and that is why government bureaucracies grow. Dean's "movement" is purely an internet movement. Nobody actually heard him and they coughed up money. Young kids, who haven't yet been conned by Nigerian Biz Ops, pyramid marketing schemes, and fake Viagra, were mobilized and they worked hard. From the limited data available it looks like the "young" went to Edwards and Kerry. Susan Estrich made a funny comment on FOX about the 1980 election where she worked for Carter and ended up transporting Reagan voters to the polls. She meant that if a candidate hasn't the message "his people" won't vote for him.

My second observation comes from growing up in a very small town. One of our recreations was to give out of towners a bad time; wrong directions, deliberately false answers to questions, and so on. We lived to make fools of "outsiders". The "out of town" Dean people had to piss the small town Iowans off. Had to. Dean ain't dead but he's badly hurt. Now he's in a real election in New Hampshire.

The other big loser is Big Labor. They can't deliver. The union leaders are totally unplugged from their membership.

BTW, the polls were wrong again but they showed the Dean slippage. Those young voters with cells switched to "what's his name".

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