
What to make of the hit pieces on Dean? It's a comfort to watch the lynching from a position of disinterest. I don't care about Dean. What I get to see is the process without any emotion. The Liberal Media is in a feeding frenzy because they see Dean as an unelectable candidate who will wreck "their" Democratic Party. They will dig and dig and dig til every parking ticket is exposed, every condom purchase analyzed, and every fee he ever charged while practicing medicine is examined. All of us Righties can watch with dispassion the destruction, or the attempted destruction, of a man who offends the Left Media daring to run for President. Clark is their guy, as McCain was their guy back in 2000. We'll see if the attacks bother Dean's base at all. For the rest of us it's a lesson. Like throwing the Christians to the Lions. File this under Oh those Lefty News outlets: The NYT is hitting Sharpton, another whose base will pay no attention. Blacks are hopeless Democrats.

Besides disclosing a history of staying in expensive hotels, flying first class and relying on limousine services, though, such records also reveal a series of judgments, lawsuits and tax debts.
Yawn..... Black Power, what a deal.

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