
Will the arrest of Roberson affect Kansas State? No. Kid plays better with an erection, true. But another "he said, she said" isn't going to bench him. Snyder, who runs a tight ship, may bench him. Then it's Ohio State by at least two TDs. That's why you don't bet on college games til the day of the game. You never know. Personally, I'd like to see USC vs a healthy Kansas State which I think deserves to be in the top six. And how about them Trojans? Those of us who have seen them all year weren't surprised. All the bullshit about "establish the run and then pass" is just that: bullshit. If you've got seven receivers and a passer who can hit them, combined with a truly imaginative offense, you pass first and then run. Of course the offensive line is great too. USC is a really great team, with the emphasis on team.

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