Maybe letters DO work at least when the recipients don't have an agenda. I wrote Google the letter below in response to the classification "Conservative" to the Iranian thugs running for office. Today their headline calls them "Religious Hardliners", Way to go Google. Letter I sent"
What is conservative about a bunch of mullah Mafia thugs? Are they for free markets? Lower taxes? First and Second Amendment Rights? A free press? Lower taxes? Are they readers of Locke, Hayek, and Adam Smith? Are they Jeffersonian scholars? Followers of Milton Friedman and Laffler? Why are thugs that use secret police, rigged courts, torture chambers, total repression of all rights, complete control of all business, etc., called "conservative"?Of course the NYT, LAT, and other media haven't changed at all. Keep mailing everybody, maybe some others will change.
Your choice of the term "conservative" to describe Communists, theocracies, kleptocracies, thugocracies, and dictatorships of various kinds is just you liberals trying to smear the real conservatives in this country. I have a blog that gets 7,000 hits per day and I am posting, but one would think that "legit" media would have some kind of integrity of language.
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