
She's 40 something and is accusing a Yale prof of sexual harassment twenty years ago. The latest in feminine nut cases. Go HERE for a rather boring but enlightening piece about how far an asshole can go to ruin a man's reputation and there is nothing he can do about it. And in the same pub there is an interview with Drudge. Me thinks the Kerry stink is far from concluded. Oh, and if you have the time be sure to read the Joe Conason oh so outraged attack on the Ann Coulter piece about Max Cleland. THEN read Coulter's eviscerating response. Max Cleland was NOT wounded in combat, did NOT get a Purple Heart because you don't get one for being stupid on the way to buy booze with your buds, and how the Dems have managed to lie about his record. She is a tough cookie who doesn't write about what she doesn't know about. Makes all of us wish she had a wider platform. (error corrections courtesy of C Joyce. Thanks))

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