
File this under Whining Right Wing Pansies for Bush. Here's the deal, these dopes go to a Kerry rally and have signs supporting Bush. This rally is heavy on a union well known for roughing up people, for completely excluding women (ten years ago, I don't know about now), and have to be quite large to do the work they do. Added into the mix is the usual Communist crowd and race hustlers. What the fuck do you think is going to happen? You think you will be welcomed with tea and crumpets? These effete punks were not there to excercise free speech. They were there to disrupt the Free Speech of the Kerry people. They waved their little signs and then were told to get the fuck out of there. When they didn't they got roughed up. Like nobody who has been to college over the past twenty years hasn't been roughed up by black thugs if they dared cross their party line. MeCHA is a pacifist org? Black Panthers for Free Speech gives a shit for anybody? These pretentious whining Conservative babies went there for the purpose of disrupting a rally and hoping to get roughed up in front of TV cameras and reporters. They were a success. I hope they didn't get their dresses torn. I say fuck them, if you're going to those kind of Commie, Union, Race rallies to challenge them and disrupt their rallies you better have some very tough guys with you. Oh the names of some of the gutless Republican pansies are Pro-Bush blogger Matt Margolis, his equally pussy brother Aaron, another blogger named Tyler who probably tests HIV-MAYBE, and a bunch of other cry babies. I know plenty of Republican areas people who wave Left Wing signs wouldn't dare attend. Bullshit squared. After these total pussies get through reading the First Ammendment they ought to study the Second and then visit Kim duToit and get ready.

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