
Lesley Stahl and 60 minutes are getting roasted over the Clarke interview, one of the biggest softball hack jobs ever.

Imus called CBS's Lesley Stahl a "gutless, lying weasel" ...... "one of the more dishonest members of the media".....and "She did everything but slip her tongue in his ear."
In another aside one of the Imus sidekicks responded to an Imus query about whether Stahl should ask Clarke something, McGurk replied:
"She could just roll over in the bed and hand Clarke the phone"....
One thing is certain, if a man goes to bed with Lesley Stahl you know he desperately needs sleep. From office chatter and client remarks I get the feeling that the CBS interview might actually rescue Bush from any fallout. Not even liberals are stupid enough to swallow that 60 Minutes "interview" (Book Hype). People are just getting wise to the main stream media. The stat that two hundred million of us go on the web means that the truth seeps out.

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