
Observations while partying this weekend with mostly slightly liberal friends. Everybody was pissed about the continuing blanket coverage of "gay marriage" on every TV cable channel, even FOX. I think the "gay voices" have been temporary. They represent 5% of the population.

While watching Clarke hustle his book on 60 Minutes last night I was surprised by the near unanimous skepticism expressed by everyone. The most heard comment was, "so where has he been while guys were dying? Waits til election to get a conscience?" And everybody questioned the statement regarding Condoleezza Rice's ignorance of terrorist groups. Surprising. No one commented that CBS/Viacom owns the publishing company that is releasing the book. Drudge outed them this AM. This is really fishy now. CBS News has almost zero credibility. Jesus what a bunch of slugs.

NCAA had some great games over the weekend, particularly the Kentucky-UAB game.

Oh, and there were three Apple owners there who were raving about Apple computers and their superiority over the PCs they had been using. The host showed his to everyone and everyone was using it and checking it out. I have to admit, Apple has a major winner. Major.

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