
OK, Bubba The Love Sponge and Howard Stern I'm a Howard Stern fan. This guy is clever, funny, and just plain good. Bubba is just plain dirty and funny. Question to be addressed is whether I'd let my little children listen to either while I drove them to school? Obviously I would not and do not. I think Stern is at best an NC17 show and Bubba is X (I've heard parts of two tapes at the office). So the question is access. I live in a neighborhood where all parents control their kids. The kids who ride busses have radios and can listen to whatever they want, and I assure you from the grapevine that Stern is listened to by middle school students.

If there was cable radio or limited access radio that you had to pay for there would be no argument. The problem is kids. I've heard Stern encourage a brother sister couple to have sex. I've heard graphic discussions of anal sex. So what is the answer? Can Stern be funny without it? He seems to think not. Stay tuned.

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