

Tell ‘em what you think, get fired. Today the military admitted that large sections of Iraq were not under the control of the U.S. military. Partcularly the cities of Kut and Naj, now under Shiite control. They estimate that 40% of the country is not under U.S. control. Surprise!!!

Anybody remember a guy named Shinseki? The Army Chief of Staff who dared voice his opinion? He was the traitorous moron who told congress that "several hundred thousand U.S. troops would be needed to occupy Iraq." Rumsfeld got rid of him. He was called a Clintonite, Rumsfeldspeak for chickenshit liberal. Shinseki stuck to his guns til fired.

Another fucking moron, James Dobbins, director of RAND's International Security and Defense Policy Center and a former U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, Haiti, and Somalia, said that 300,000-500,000 soldiers would be needed to do the job properly in Iraq. This incompetent asshole further stated that his estimates of 300,000-500,000 "derived from our experiences in Bosnia and Kosovo, based on the population density of the country. The best defense is a good deterrent, and the best deterrent is a visible, effective [law] enforcement force. New York City has 30,000 policemen, and that's a relatively peaceful area. Why would Baghdad be any different?"

Of course nobody listened to this commie cocksucker who had a lot of experience in occupation.

This shithead further stated, "We have found that the number of casualties is inversely proportional to the number of troops. In Bosnia, not one American or NATO soldier has been killed. In cases where we tried to minimize involvement, however--Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq--we have suffered attrition, and perhaps more seriously, we have had to inflict casualties on the population far out of proportion [to what's needed]. We're using sniper teams for law enforcement [in Iraq]. In Bosnia, the Serbs had an army: they had tanks, artillery, and reasons to hate NATO, but they were simply cowed by the numbers of soldiers on the ground."

The braniacs got rid of all these people and went ahead. You can figure out the rest.

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