
For perhaps the biggest "Oh my God!!" of the day you have to go here and read Daniel Pipes latest piece. As a teaser:

Iraq favors a cutback in oil output by OPEC: Well, guess what? Washington has been so hands-off of Iraqi oil, so willing to let Iraqis run this critical aspect of their country's national life, that it permits them to act exactly against not just U.S. interests but against Bush administration interests.
I'll give you one more at this different site and then go there and be prepared to get so pissed you'll be going to Kim duToit for gun recommendations.
We had testimony a couple of months ago from the past president of United, and current president of American Airlines that kind of shocked us all. They said under oath that indeed the Department of Transportation continued to fine any airline that was caught having more than two people of the same ethnic persuasion in a secondary line for line for questioning, including and especially, two Arabs.
Bush? I keep wishing there was somebody else besides Kerry. Anybody else. In case you need to get evern more pissed off go HERE for details of Terroist ties to our Churches. And then if you want to know how our own alert government is allowing terrorist organizations into the government (is it George E Newman or Alfred E Bush??) go HERE.

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