

.....we had an honest press the Bush press conference "questions" asked by our "free press" would not have come from the DNC playbook. The thing wrong with this, besides showing the press is totally corrupt, is that Bush was totally ready for every question. The result of the "press conference" is that Bush looked really good. And the press, as usual, looked like a bunch of DNC hacks.

Well, I guess they ARE a bunch of DNC hacks. Late add: Peggy Noonan has a much wider evaluation of both Bush and the "Propaganda Establishment" that is well worth reading. She is NOT a partisan hack:

But here the press came to his rescue, and God bless them. They are so clearly carrying water for the left-liberal establishment, they were so clearly carrying water for the preening and partisan hacks who dominate the 9/11 commission, and the Washington Post's coverage of the news conference yesterday morning was so clearly teeing up Bob Woodward's next book, that the media nullified their hostility. They could have done some damage to the president with a grave and honest spirit of inquiry.
Read the whole thing, not very flattering toward Bush.

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