

I'm a Republican but I ask all of you, "How long can we rationalize the killings of our troops in Iraq?" The bloody dismemberment of families? The Muslim religion is anti-democratic at its very core. There is no room for democracy in that horrid religion. Only in Turkey, where a dominant military STILL sits on the elected government, is there "democracy" of any kind. The Iraqi people will NOT stand up for themselves. They are a nation of Welfare Bums who have never in their lives taken care of themselves. 600 American dead for nothing. 600 American families robbed of their fathers, brothers, sons, and daughters. For what? The Iraqi people are deserving of the same hell as every other Welfare Freeloader. There HAS to be a desire for freedom in order for it to happen. They just want to be taken care of and they don't care who does it or how they get the money. We have rebuilt the country with our money; rebuilt their oil industry, means of delivery, and allowed them to keep the profits. All of these will soon be going to some Muslim cleric who will fund terrorism; fund terrorist courses and chairs at American Universities; and work against us in every way. Bet on it. No democracy will ever overthrow a dictator in any Muslim country because they don't want freedom. Period. The Bush Administration from top to bottom is clueless; now near even with Kerry in who will handle the war on terror the best.. And I hope you read the Kaplan piece referenced below. Later add I didn't link to this report from Healing Iraq last night because of his notorious lack of credibility, but this time it sure looks like he got it right. If you linked from Reynolds last night you got the truth. And it is even more true as I write this even though Reynolds and everybody else is backing off. Hell, even a fortune teller is right once in a while and it looks like the guy got it right. Just awful news from Iraq this morning.

Our real problem is that the Democrats are even worse.

Another thought is this: looking at our own country and our history is there any religion if taken literally that supports democracy? I've gotten a ton of email from well meaning but totally rigid Christian bloggers telling me I should rot in hell for what I wrote. Now for something to chew on. A lady from Rand named Cheryl Benard has written a book called Civil Democratic Islam, (pamphlet summary available on line in PDF) that proposes rebuilding Islam, not countries. No Islam Playmates or centerfolds, just writing. Daniel Pipes gives it the once over today HERE along with his take. Still doesn't sound that great to me but worth a look.

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