With the exceptions of World Net Daily and FOX, Bill Cosby's speech to the NAACP has received no media coverage at all. Speaking there he told them the truth about the lower class blacks and their refusal to care for their kids. His speech has been met with the rationalization that has caused Black poverty. I've had two occasions of contact with him. I'll tell you this: he has risked his own show for Black employment in the entertainment "business" and has contibuted millions to help Blacks.
When I was a young writer I had an interview with Cosby's head writer Ed Weinberger. I approached the barracks where the Cosby Show was located and I noted at least 15 hostile looking black males lounging on the grass in front of the entrance. When I went inside to Weinberger's office I found him in a bare space with a cot and a desk for writing. Ed apologized to me and explained that "Bill" was trying to give inner city Blacks a chance to write for his show and he was rewriting the worst shit he ever saw so that it could get on the air. Cosby kept his word to these young guys but as these "scripts" began to air his ratings dropped and dropped and dropped. He nearly lost his show trying to help a bunch of no talent assholes. But he risked his future for them. He put it on the line.
Later on when I was doing a part time job selling ad space the companion paper in our office was a fake Black paper that had zero distribution but solicited ads from Blacks who had money, and guilty whites. One of the Black guys "had that asshole Cosby" on his list any time he needed a paycheck. Needing one he called Cosby and "sold" him a $5,000 ad. I was so pissed that I called his office later in the day and his secretary told me that Bill knew what was going on but would always help a Black business.
So when he makes a major speech he means it and he risked plenty to make it. Bill Cosby stood up. No main media reported it. Most of it appears on Joanne Jacobs blog. To think the speech is controversial among Blacks says it all. But as they say "if a Black kid misses school and nobody pays attention, did he miss school at all?"
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