
Emailer McCain points out that the beheaded Nick Berg, was Jewish. I hadn't thought of that. An Isreali has been mutilated too. This is going to get much much worse. Truly the Muslims States are a metaphor for the Darkness in Conrad's Heart of Darkness. There is no depravity their "religion" does not excuse, no sadism it doesn't endorse.

"You will only get shroud after shroud and coffin after coffin slaughtered in this manner,"one of the murderers said. "As for you Bush, dog of the Christians, anticipate what will harm you... You and your soldiers will regret the day you stepped foot in Iraq and dared to violate Muslims."
Allah be Praised. And those posing phonies on the "Investigating Committee" ought to be made to view this tape. Naw, the increasingly anti-Semitic Democratic Party and the Clueless Republicans don't see any media attention there.

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