
Household tip from duh fuckin' Oracle his own self Ruined a $40 teflon pan. Burned to shit. Here's how to fix it like new:

The non-stick surface can be "renewed" and stains reduced or removed with the following home remedy: Mix two tablespoons of baking soda and a half cup of liquid household bleach with one-two cups of water, or enough solution in these proportions to about half fill the pan. Simmer this solution for five minutes in the stained pan. Remove from heat and check the pan surface. If the stain still remains, repeat the treatment. CAUTION: The solution will foam and if it boils over, it may stain the outside of the pan. This solution is a strong oxidizing agent and will cause some change in the color of Teflon, with dark colors becoming lighter. This bleaching effect does not reduce the non-stick performance of the pan. Do not substitute ingredients for the baking soda, household bleach, or water. After the cleaning/stain removing treatment, thoroughly wash, rinse, and dry the pan; then wipe it with cooking oil to "condition" before using it again.

Should a white-spotted film appear it probably results from minerals in the water and can be removed by saturating a soft cloth with lemon juice or vinegar and rubbing over the finish. After wiping, wash the pan, dry, and "condition" as you did when new.
Absolutely works. Fixed two.

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