IT'S ALL ABOUT SEX......... AND VIOLENCE (ammended)
They opened the door marked "Good" and stepped in. The Devil always lies.
My POV on the prisoner abuse is that it is mostly about sex, stupid.
Think about it for a moment. Most violence is sexual. It's exciting. There is dominance. There is victimology. Check the porno stuff. Tons and tons of rapes, Bondage and "Discipline", and S&M. It looks like we turned loose a band of sexual predators that were always outside of the mainstream of America on the prisoners at Abu Ghraib. That may be true in that these were people who could not control their baser instincts, but how far out of the "mainstream" are they? Almost all the "abuse" had a sexual content. Sexual humiliation works on the humiliator as well as the target. How do you feel after forcing a man to walk around in women's panties? This is sexually incendiary stuff, especially for untrained reserve soldiers. I submit to you that sexually manipulating the weakness of others becomes a sexual explosion within the completely untrained manipulator. They did not know the pathology of what they were doing and their emotional selves launched into an uncharted territory they knew nothing about. I'm not saying that these people thought this stuff up by themselves. I think that this is so "weird" that somebody somewhere got them to start it, but once started they just got crazier and crazier.
The Arab/Muslim abuses plainly occur within their mainstream. Sharia Law requires it. Sexual content? In a book called "Eastward to Tartary" (one of the must reads to understand the area) Kaplan points out that young unmarried men who cannot have sex outside of marriage act out their manhood in violence toward strangers. The violence of Sharia Law IS sex.
I point out here that there is sexual content to almost all "pointless" violence. We have all grown up with guys who got their rocks off kicking the shit out of people. I was in the Navy with a tough little bastard from NoCal who couldn't have a successful liberty unless he got into a fight with somebody who beat HIM up. I never heard of him with the local whores. I think I only won three fights in my life, but winning was better than sex; in fact it was sex in many ways. The feeling of exhilaration after "winning" a fight has few equals. I can imagine these "guards" feeling the same way after kicking the crap out of some Iraqis. And wanting more.
The inclusion of women in these prison abuses adds to the sexual content. O'Reilley did a piece on sex in the Military last night that at last turns our imagination into reality. One woman said her commanding officer hit on her while they shared a fox hole. You cannot turn young men and young women into celibates. The Army ain't the priesthood. "You can smell the testosterone in the co-ed barracks", said one woman. And you can see it in the pictures of Abu Ghraib.
How much of this abuse was sexual posturing to please the women? How much of the female participation was sex? If you look at excessive violence as sex you get much closer to the truth of Abu Ghraib. And much closer to America and our loose sexual morals. I doubt that this is an aberration in our culture. If we turn young men and women loose to do what they please to a victim group they "get off". And they want more. And more.
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