
Newspaper circulation declines around world but before you wax philosophic about lies and lazy reporting, allow me to point out something. Newspapers do NOT want blue collar readership. They do not want people who earn less than $75K per year reading their papers. They want to deliver a high income audience to their advertisers. Period. Check the ads in your local fish wrap. High end stores, high end products, and high end writing. The New York Times sells for $3 a pop and $5 on Sunday; check their Magazine section; trips to Europe, high high end hotels. Think the longshoremen are reading it? I once wrote a piece on falling newspaper circulation and did the research so if you doubt me do a Google, starting with the Tribune Companies. All are very up front about what they want, having blue collars even seen reading their do-rags isn't good. I did a consulting job for a company several months ago. They had over 100 people in one office and the only ones reading the LA Times were women. Men went around the office bumming the Fry's ads (a discount computer store in LA). What do they read? A few Journals and a few IBDs, and nothing else. Like in nada.

So the loss in circulation is a plus, not a minus.

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