
Sullivan joins with me and George Will in basically bailing on Bush. He has blown this thing. Perception IS reality, especially with poorly educated people, and that is what you are dealing with in the Middle East. BTW it looks like the army was doing everything it could to cover up the prisoner abuse (New Yorker details---the Drudge Link) and it is very tough to read. They had the info in late 03 and seem to have sat on it. This is a disaster for our values. In fact Iraq is beginning to look very bad, basically because we don't want to win. Kerry already has 200+ electoral votes sewn up and people are looking for a reason to vote for him. Najaf: it looks like independent "counter terrorists" are shooting down Sadir's militia members on sight. So now we have well armed Iraqis, no no NOT terrorists, doing what we refused to do. I'm looking for somebody else to vote for as well.

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