
#1 Four Trillion deficit

How Ronald Reagan Cleaned the Communists from the Screen Actors Guild and effectively ended the Communist Party in Hollywood.

First, understand that the "Hollywood Ten of the 40s were not Liberals, they were Communists. They lied and dodged the questions before the HUAC; the media to this day claims they were NOT Communists. They WERE Communists. There were two groups: the 1947 Hollywood Ten who were Communists and actual agents taking orders from the Comintern; they have admitted so and in fact bragged about it. Then there were the "left overs", the Communist agents who were not called, and people who stayed cocktail party Communists through the fifties.

The "Ten" had plenty of company. All admitted later outside meetings that they had loaded scripts with party line messages.htm Others felt the Communist Party was a "social club" (gulags, the slaughter of millions, etc., was a "social club" to these jerks), others admitted they structured scripts and scenes at the "direction of the Comintern". In other words they HAD to stick together and defy Congress or risk going to jail. Many went to jail. Ronald Reagan was a member of a Communist Front organization, exposed by hostorian Arthur Schlesinger, until this time. He resigned "when he found out what they were up to". He remained a registered Democrat til 1962.

The Hollywood Left and the Communists rallied around a cry of "Right of Free Association"; that is anyone has a right to believe in anything they want to believe in and to associate withomever they choose. The scream is still so loud that the truth can't be heard. The truth is that "Free Association" has no connection with working for a foreign power, which the CPUSA clearly was. And that foreign power advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. That's what the Hollywood Ten was doing. Period. Check everything including the Venona intercepts but leave out Sparticus and the rest of the Left Wing references on Google.

Getting back to Reagan, the question arises around what the 50s Communists were doing and what they were capable of doing

First, they had the same "Red List" that exists today; only Left people would be hired if they had anything to say about it. Secondly, they tried to write movies in which the business people were evil; priests and other clergy did bad things, conservatives were old villains, and they wrote movies about an underdog with "a social conscience" (liberal) who challenged the horrible people and beat them. The "film noir" was mostly about the evil of all governments. The writers, directors, and actors came out of The Group Theatre in New York and assembled on the West Coast in "The Actors Lab". But what exactly did they do that was "un-American"? Did they advocate the overthrow of the American Government by force or violence? Did they send money to Moscow to fund the KGB? Were they engaged in activities that could result in a revolution? It is now a matter of record that the Communist Party USA was under the direct control of Moscow and Stalin. Something all Lefties deny.

What the 50's Hollywood Left and the Communists wanted to do was organize Actors, Writers, Directors, and all the crafts under one single union dominated and controlled by Communists. This single union could then dictate content of scripts, casting, and employment. They could sledge hammer all negotiations with the threat of a unified walkout over any and every issue that Moscow wanted. This grandiose plot never got past the usual phony Hollywood "let's have a meeting" stage once Reagan stepped in. The Hollywood "activists" then as now lacked the guts to really follow through when it was their careers that they would have to put at risk. They were mostly cocktail party limp wristed big mouth fakes who could only operate within a group. They stuck with the mob of Lefties. Ronald Reagan alone stopped the Screen Actors Guild Lefties and Communists in their tracks and effectively ended the plot. He was not part of a group.

This is what went down and what made Reagan "someone to watch". Reagan was a registered Democrat; he was a New Deal Democrat in the FDR mold and president of the Screen Actors Guild union . He could never have been elected had he not "been in the club". Back in the 1957-58 period the Communists in the Guild wanted to combine with Communist dominated AFTRA (the TV and Radio people) to form one giant union of actors. They then would combine with the equally communist members of the Directors and Writers Guilds and form one Giant Hollywood Union that would control scripts, actors, and directors; their fantasy was to make Hollywood an "agit prop" arm of the Left.

The first step was to be the takeover of the Actors Unions by uniting them. The reasons the Communists and their pals gave for this uniting of unions were that medical insurance would be better and cheaper, credit union would be stronger with more members, and a contract could be negotiated that would be so strong that no producer, network, or studio would dare step out of line.

Reagan and a few others in the Guild were hip to what the Communists masquerading as Democratic Liberals really wanted. Reagan had an ace to play and waited. He knew that actors in Hollywood couldn't negotiate contracts for newscasters in Des Moines, disc jockeys in Memphis, and announcers in Dallas any more than the aforementioned radio and live TV people could negotiate contracts for actors on sound stages all over the world. He didn't play the card early. He allowed the Communists and their allies to bring the unification issue from committee to a SAG meeting for a vote, a vote they "knew" they would win. How do I know? I know because I was a Left Wing young asshole on the committee. I didn't know shit about Communists, I knew a lot of the committee members were "Left" but I thought their stated reasons for uniting unions were valid. I had no idea of what was really going down. I only knew that the Lefties on the committee hated Reagan's guts. I didn't know why.

The motion to combine unions was to be brought up at the SAG meeting held at the Hilton Hotel Ballrooms in Beverly Hills. Attendance was a record for that time because the subject of Union Unification was of interest to everybody, the stars didn't show of course because they are always too good to associate with day players. Reagan allowed the motion to come to the floor and be seconded. He then showed his real political savvy. He threw the floor open to all discussion without any restraints on the free speech of anyone other than a three minute time limit. This happened at around 8:15PM.

Just imagine several thousand whacked out actors, many on the drugs of the time; alcohol, pot, and "bennies"; on release from their therapists; nut cases on Left and Right; as well as the opinionated semi-educated and the well educated who think they know everything, getting into a "discussion". It went on. And on. And on. Eight thirty became Nine. Nine became ten. Ten became eleven. And the endless accusations, pontifications, prepared and unprepared statements droned on. Everyone was ready to nod off. The "discussion" was in the never never land of actor pot dreams.

Reagan siezed the "moment" of maximum exhaustion. He took the floor on a "point of order" (and trust me, not one actor in a thousand had the foggiest notion of what a "point of order" was). He did 45 seconds of really impassioned oratory. He asked questions: "Do we want a union run by thugs from back east like the Teamsters? Do we want a bunch of stupid disk jockeys telling us how long we rehearse? Do we want a bunch of news readers (snide as hell) telling us what our working conditions on remote locations in the jungle should be?" Do we want anybody but actors decding what actors should have as a contract? And he immediately "called the question" (another thing not one actor in a thousand knew anything about). The only people to vote in favor of union unification were the Communists and Lefties.

That was the end of the Communist "plan" to take over the Hollywood unions. The two actors unions didn't combine until a few years ago, and then only in a carefully crafted way which was eventually tossed out.
The 1947 Commies, the people who went before the HUAC and "stood up" (lied) were not brave. First, they "stood up" in 1947, long before Joe McCarthy, but during the time that Nixon exposed Alger Hiss as a Russian spy (Venona Link); an accusation now proven by old Soviet documents. The focus of the Left was that Nixon was lying and that Hiss was innocent. The "Ten" were called up and there was a huge left opposition, but the country was convinced of the guilt of Hiss and the committee had broad public support. This is what producer (Salt of the Earth, 1954) Paul Jerrico had to say when asked the inevitable question, "In the event of a war between Russian and America, would you support the United States?". He stood mute. Reagan became a target of choice for all Liberals after the union vote. He registered as a Republican in 1962

A great LINK to Reagan's early thinking regarding the economic vulnerability of the Soviet Empire and his ideas as early as the 50s.

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