
Al Qaeda Says It Beheads U.S. Hostage in Saudi...Drudge has the pix.

"The governments of the world should know that Islam cannot be defeated. Islam will be victorious in all the countries of the world, and Islam and the teachings of the Koran will prevail all over the world.....--
Ayatolla Khomeini of Iran August 1979
Now the Lotus Eating Left will demand that the prisoner abusers in Iraq be hung. If any of us lacked a sense of proportion here, I think this ends it. We are dealing with a medieval religion. These are people who have no life at all outside their fatwas, imams, and jihad. They are now guaranteed Heaven. Not with 72 virgins (that is a made up tale), but with women who don't ever have periods. That is what they believe. This is the hate being spewed in at least 90% of the mosques in the world. This is the religion we are supposed to be tolerant of. This is THE wake up call. Don't think they won't be here soon. They will be, if they are not here already due to the open border with Mexico. This isn't solved with the COO program (Cooperation with Others) that Kerry's military advisor, Claudia Kennedy advocates. We are in a war with the Barbarians and we HAVE to win it.

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