

Every media outlet that is Right of center is pointing out how filled with hate the media on the Left has become. How morally depraved they are. How superior the rest of us are. But what about us? What about the writing that is to the Right? Kerry is "Fuck Face", Shit for Brains, French Piece of Shit, and so on. The Democrats are traitors, scum, liars and whatever.

Once I call you a liar, them's fightin' words. And nothing moves forward from there. Literary shit fights are not new in this country. Read any of the old newspapers before the advent of government controlled radio and TV. You will read the same and worse. Starting with Jefferson the papers were vicious; politicians "bought" their own papers so they could lie back. Falsifications, accusations, and disgusting personal attacks were the staple of 18th and 19th century journalism, tactics that carried through the early part of the 20th century til radio and then TV ended it because they were "public airwaves" and government controlled what was said. We just haven't grown up with a pamphleteering type of press. The web has allowed all our bar conversations, filled with school yard expletives, dirty jokes, and urges to kill or maim a politician to be "out there" for all to hear and read. All our wishes for the death of a political figure we disagree with are published. The Democrat websites over the past few days have been disgusting, but are we any better? This is bar talk brought out of the alcohol fumes and into the public air for all of us to hear is just new to us. It's well to keep in mind that when we read the Democrats we read ourselves too, it's just that we on the Right pretend a higher plane.

Reagan's death has made me realize how bad I have been in this arena and how much more effective I can be if I allow a better side some sway. It is pretentious beyond reality to say that I have not become part of the sewer media. Because that is what the web is, or has become.

I'm moving to a better sewer.

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