
Good piece on Belmont today Let's hope he's right, and I'm beginning to think he is. Things are going much better in Iraq, not that you'd know it from TV. Webzines, excepting the Leftzines, are all reporting basically the same thing. This turn over is much bigger than I thought it would be.

Then Fallujah. Don't read this piece by Michael Rubin unless you are ready to get pissed off really angry. A huge mistake and a great argument can be made that at least 200 people have been killed over this another White House fuck up teensy tiny mistake. I honestly don't think these people have a fucking gosh darn clue. Have I cleaned up my act? Have I found God. No, but I hear He's looking for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 4th ID could have been there except for one teeny-tiny thing - the frog prince enticed the turkish maid w/promises he never intended to keep.

Don't forget, they were out to sea because we couldn't come in via Incirik (sp).

Sandy P