

Hypocrisy, thy name is New York Times. Today they are running an editorial demanding "strong action" in the Sudan. Before you assume the Left Wing fish wrap means Lefties should run more full page ads in the Times daily and Sunday gazettes, you forget our "allies" and the UN. The Times, always appealing to some American self annointed victim group, appeals to "women"

Women have been raped and branded (how awful, never heard of that before), villages razed and crops destroyed. More than 15,000 people have been killed and about a million more driven from their homes.
That would have been a light morning workout for Saddam. Does "Strong Action" mean sending those awful soldiers with guns to stop it? Does it mean sending human shields to the upper East Side? No, "strong action" to the Times means sending food and "talking". Wake me when the death toll reaches a million. Maybe The Times will tell us to send the poor bastards some Happy Meals and some non genetically engineered food from the EU.

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